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Possible Future event~!

30 Dec

We may be getting a table at Anime Expo :’D More details to come.

Rurouni Kenshin

8 Nov

Hey guys the wooden tags are still in progress. I did not forget about them XD and I hope you guys enjoy them for I am furiously drawing them into the wee hours of the night. Here is a preview!


The day is drawing near

6 Nov

Anime vegas is next weekend! Get your cosplays ready and your eyes peeled for our table. Slaving away is our dear B and her workers! lots of buttons ready to go and more still on the way. We have some cool stuff going down. Be sure to check us out and I think I will leave the details for B to describe. =3 See you there. -S


The cupcakes have arrived

21 Oct

Here are a couple of designs I played around with. More are on the way! – S

School is in Session

9 Oct

I realized I never posted the rest of the uniform group. I hope you like them as much as I do. ^^ hopefully more to see of them in the future. I’ll leave the individual buttons as a surprise for anime vegas. -S


White Swan

8 Oct

Here is the much delayed white swan lol. Pretty cute I think. My next endeavor will be cupcakes and robots. =D Not together by the way. . . . or maybe so ;D mwahahahaha. -S


Prince and Princess

30 Sep

here’s a cute little couple =3 stuff is in the works! I swear o_o maybe a tad lazyness here and there, but *cough cough* on with the buttons! – S


Black Swan

9 Sep

Sorry for not posting much, I’ve sort of been in an artistic slump. Here is a black swan design still in the works. -S


Uniform Collection

30 Aug

Yes, I edited this post. I am changing styles. =] Some school girls and boys in the works. Here is a sample. -S


sample 2


Mermaid button

21 Aug

In future posts we will be featuring new designs for miscellaneous buttons that will be sold as singles. =] Here is a cute mermaid as an example.